‘Timeless’ is a word that’s commonly thrown around in the car world. Often, it’s used to identify cars that came to exist as a result of the golden era of Japanese tuning.
In saying this, it is quite uncommon for a car to have not just been considered timeless, but to have retained the modifications that gave it that very description, and to ultimately be considered a time capsule of the era in which it was conceived. But Nobuteru Taniguchi’s ex-personal S15 Nissan Silvia is just that.
Until recently, many of the cars that would fit the above criteria have been left behind, either forgotten in the far corner of a garage or having just become low priority in a cluttered workshop. Some have been perfectly maintained, while others have been neglected.
Fortunately, as the Japanese drifting world has embraced its roots, the importance of many of these cars has risen. And that’s meant that chance encounters with iconic 2000s tuning cars are now becoming increasingly common.
Read more at: http://www.speedhunters.com/2023/07/the-perfect-nissan-silvia-nob-taniguchis-iconic-s15